Republican House Representative Sam Johnson of Texas has unveiled his plan to “permanently save” Social Security (SSA). Sam Johnson will “update” the program to secure benefits in the future by cutting average

Republican House Representative Sam Johnson of Texas has unveiled his plan to “permanently save” Social Security (SSA). Sam Johnson will “update” the program to secure benefits in the future by cutting average
Texas Congressman Sam Johnson introduced H.R. 6489, the Social Security Reform Act of 2016. His proposal would drastically cut average Social Security (SSA) benefits more than just leaving the program the way
In 1983, major changes were made to make Social Security (SSA) able to meet its full obligations for 75 years. Once a year since then, the “trustees” have issued an actuarial document
Every summer, the Social Security Trustees release the annual Trustees Report [PDF]. Resident media scholar on Social Security (SSA) and current presidential candidate Laurence Kotlikoff had this to say to The Wall
(Photo credit Inside the budget deal that prevented the Republican shutdown of government until after the 2016 election, the Social Security Benefit Protection and Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2015 made significant