Right now, in the current Senate, Republican Senators are exercising their power to veto nearly all legislation using the filibuster. Under the filibuster, Senators need not do anything but indicate their desire
Category: Data
Original charts and graphs with big data.
List of Purely Partisan 5-4 Supreme Court Cases, Early Neil Gorsuch Years
In 2016, a vacant Supreme Court seat was held open to deny Democrats from appointing a majority of Justices on the Court after decades of Republican control. More than a year later,
List of 5-4 Supreme Court Cases Where Ruth Bader Ginsburg Cast a Deciding Vote
In 2016, Amy Coney Barrett agreed with Republicans that they could hold a Supreme Court seat open vacated February 13 of an election year. She “distinguished” the Anthony Kennedy nomination of election
2018 Blue Wave is Real, Graphs Comparing House Elections Since 1938
The 2018 election Democratic midterm “blue wave” was truly massive, unlike anything seen before. These original charts will make that crystal clear. These charts also provide a wealth of data for research
Healthcare: Economic Think Tanks Are Unbelievably Dishonest With Numbers And Graphs
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” says the illustrator of a grossly dishonest economic graph, designed very deliberately to mislead people into believing things that are not true. This article will
Social Security Deficit Predictions Over Time, the Trustees Have Been Right on Target
In 1983, major changes were made to make Social Security (SSA) able to meet its full obligations for 75 years. Once a year since then, the “trustees” have issued an actuarial document
Graph: Officer Deaths by Year from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
Yesterday in Dallas, about a dozen police officers were shot and five were killed when a sniper attacked the officers at a protest against police brutality after two high profile police shootings
Supreme Court Justice Charts, History of Appointments has Favored Republicans
With the sudden loss from the Supreme Court of Antonin Scalia, some are calling to wait for a replacement until after the 2016 election in the interest of democracy or fairness. First,
US Military Spending as a Percentage of Value Added Economy, Over 30 Percent
A huge bump and increase in military spending has taken place in recent years, distorting the ratio of military spending compared to value added in the economy. While comparisons of military spending