Special Report: The Guantanamo Bay Cases. During his Supreme Court tenure from 1986 through 2016, Justice Antonin Scalia had much to say on a wide variety of issues. The views of Antonin
Category: Research
Original in-depth reports
Social Security Deficit Predictions Over Time, the Trustees Have Been Right on Target
In 1983, major changes were made to make Social Security (SSA) able to meet its full obligations for 75 years. Once a year since then, the “trustees” have issued an actuarial document
Only Six Empty Supreme Court Seats Were Not Filled by the Sitting President, Details
ONLY SIX SEATS on the Supreme Court became vacant then were left empty by the Senate for a later president to fill. Now, some Senators are “setting a precedent” to outright ban
Supreme Court Justice Charts, History of Appointments has Favored Republicans
With the sudden loss from the Supreme Court of Antonin Scalia, some are calling to wait for a replacement until after the 2016 election in the interest of democracy or fairness. First,
US Military Spending as a Percentage of Value Added Economy, Over 30 Percent
A huge bump and increase in military spending has taken place in recent years, distorting the ratio of military spending compared to value added in the economy. While comparisons of military spending
Major New White Paper Promoting More Military Action Gains Support of Jeb Bush
This new white paper document was written and supported by the same organizations and people who were involved with the earlier Bush Doctrine and “PNAC Agenda” documents 15 years ago. (Pictured above: